Intuitive Soul Class
Learn to listen to and trust your intuition and much more from renowned psychic medium, Julie Sukira
Over the last few years, I keep getting asked when am I going to hold a class again. I wasn’t sure what I would share in a class until now. I chose this topic because after thinking about the conversation I have a lot with people is this seems to be the common theme. Let’s start having the conversation about intuition and trusting it. Let’s learn how to trust our own intuition and find out how it can help us make better decisions in our everyday lives. We will learn about tools and how to use them to help us learn to trust our intuition. We will also learn about the Clair’s what they are and how they work. We will also talk about chakras and what rolls they play in our lives. There is so much I can’t wait to share with you during our time together. We will have two classes a month that will be 60-90 mins each. There will also be a fb group so you can get to know your classmates and have a safe space to ask questions. Classes start in January. The first month you will receive your class tools of an oracle card deck, a pendulum and a roll-on bottle of GMG Connections essential oil blend. The first month is $100. And every month after is $50. You will be emailed the classroom link the day of class. Please sign up by December 15th to make sure you have your class tools by the first class. I am so excited to have these times with you and I can’t wait for our first class.
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